
Candida Cleanse

Candida yeasts that cause candidiasis

Published: 09/07/2024

Understanding Candida

Candida is a type of yeast naturally found in the human ​body, primarily in the mouth, gut, and skin. Under normal ​circumstances, it's harmless and even plays a role in ​aiding digestion and nutrient absorption. However, when ​Candida overgrows, it can lead to candidiasis, a fungal ​infection that can affect many areas of the body, leading ​to a variety of uncomfortable symptoms and health ​issues.

Possible Root Causes of Candida Overgrowth

Several factors can trigger an overgrowth of Candida, ​upsetting the natural balance of your body’s microbiome:

  • Broad-Spectrum Antibiotics: While they kill harmful ​bacteria, they also destroy the beneficial gut flora that ​keep Candida in check.

  • High Sugar Diet/Processed Food: Candida feeds on ​sugar, so excessive sugar and refined carbohydrates ​can promote its growth.
  • Weakened Immune System: Individuals with ​compromised immune systems are more susceptible ​to Candida overgrowth.

  • Chronic Stress: Long-term stress can weaken the ​immune system and affect the balance of gut ​bacteria.

  • Hormonal Imbalances: Changes in hormones due to ​birth control pills, pregnancy, or hormone therapy can ​encourage Candida growth.

  • Excessive Alcohol Consumption: Alcohol can ​increase Candida growth by feeding the yeast directly ​and by disturbing the balance of beneficial bacteria.

  • Pesticides and Toxic Chemicals: Exposure to ​environmental toxins, including pesticides, can ​weaken the immune system and alter gut flora, ​increasing susceptibility to Candida overgrowth.

Understanding these triggers is crucial for taking ​proactive steps to maintain a healthy microbiome and ​prevent Candida-related health issues.

Symptoms of Candida Overgrowth

Candida overgrowth can manifest in numerous ways, ​depending on the area of the body affected.

Common symptoms include:

  • Oral thrush: White patches inside the mouth
  • Fatigue and brain fog
  • Digestive issues such as bloating, constipation, or ​diarrhea
  • Skin and nail fungal infections
  • Recurring urinary tract or genital infections
  • Joint pain & aches
  • Sinus infections
  • Mental Health issues
  • Autoimmune diseases

These symptoms arise because the overgrowth of ​Candida impacts the natural balance of bacteria in your ​body, leading to inflammation and, in many cases, a ​weakening of the intestinal barrier, commonly known as ​leaky gut.

Diet for a Simple Candida Cleanse

Diet plays a crucial role in controlling Candida ​overgrowth. The goal is to avoid foods that feed the ​yeast and to include those that restore the natural gut ​flora.

Here are key dietary recommendations for a candida ​cleanse:

  • Avoid Sugars and Processed Foods: Candida loves ​sugar. The more sugar you feed it, the more fuel you ​add to the fire. Eliminating sugars, highly processed ​foods, and simple carbs will reduce the primary food ​source for yeast and slowly starve it from its food. ​Instead focus on green and colourful vegetables like ​spinach, kale, cucumber, broccoli, lettuce, radish, etc.

  • Incorporate Probiotic-Rich Foods: Foods like kefir, ​sauerkraut, kimchi and yogurt contain live probiotics ​that help restore the balance of good bacteria in the ​gut.
Woman in Brown Hat and White Blue and Yellow Floral Long Sleeve Shirt
  • (Cont) It is preferable to focus on live foods as they ​will slowly help crowd out the bad guys and support ​the proliferation of the good bugs.

  • Eat Non-Starchy Vegetables: Vegetables such as ​broccoli, peppers, and greens are low in sugar and ​help to reduce inflammation. The simple rule is to eat ​the rainbow as much as you can (as long as they are ​non starchy types of vegetables) for a certain period ​of time (2 to 6 weeks depending on how you get on).

  • Include Quality Protein Sources: Lean meats, fish, and ​plant-based proteins support the immune system and ​don't feed Candida. Bone broth and collagen can also ​help heal your gut barrier and reduce inflammation in ​the body. A extra tip is to focus on stews, boiled, ​soups type of cooking rather than grilled or fried as ​these are easier on system to digest.

  • Healthy Fats: avocados, flaxseeds, and fish oil (algae ​oil for vegans) help to improve gut health and reduce ​inflammation without feeding Candida. It also keeps ​you full for longer and gives you the much needed fuel ​to go about your daily lives.

  • Use Anti-Fungal Herbs and Spices: Garlic, ginger, ​turmeric, and coconut oil have natural antifungal ​properties that can help keep Candida in check. ​Incorporate into tea, soups and salads throughout the day.

  • Sour Foods: Incorporating foods like apple cider vinegar ​and other fermented vegetables can help increase the pH ​in the gut making it more alkaline, creating an environment ​that is less hospitable to Candida.

  • Cut out Gluten, Dairy, and Highly Processed Oils: Thesecan exacerbate Candida symptoms as they can be hard to ​digest, increasing inflammation and imbalances in the gut ​flora. It can also promote leaky gut which is a whole other ​complication in itself.

  • Swap Coffee for Herbal Tea: Replace caffeinatedbeverages with herbal teas like dandelion root, nettle, ​chamomile, mint which support liver detoxification, ​calming to the stomach and provide antioxidants.

By adhering to these dietary guidelines, you can help restore ​your body's natural balance, reduce inflammation, andimprove overall gut health.

Lifestyle Modifications During a Candida Cleanse

Beyond diet, holistic management of candida involves ​lifestyle changes to maximise the body's detoxification ​processes and reduce stress thus allowing your body the ​best chance to rest and heal. We find these are just as ​important:

  • Oral Hygiene: The digestive system runs from the mouth ​all the way to the anus. So the symptoms of Candida can ​show up anywhere within this interconnected tube. To ​eliminate places where Candida can grow and survive, ​start from the top. Check your tongue first thing when ​you wake up. The more white coating you have on the ​tongue, the more Candida you have. This build up ​throughout the night is a good indication whether you ​have balanced microbiome in your body or not. ​According to TCM, a good balanced body is when the ​tongue is pink. Practice oil pulling daily using coconut or ​sesame oil to help remove toxins including dead ​fungus/bacteria from your oral cavity first thing in the ​morning. Brush your teeth twice daily and rinse your ​mouth with salt water after every meal.
  • Regularity and Bowel Health: Ensure you have a ​complete bowel movement daily. If you experience ​constipation, consider gentle methods like colonic ​irrigation or enema to help cleanse the colon and the ​overall body. It is really crucial to support the body in ​getting rid of the toxins and waste as best as it ​possibly can during this period. There’s no point to ​add all these good practice when things are not ​coming out and being eliminated effectively. The ​“cleaner” your gut, the more likely the good bugs will ​flourish thus making it easier for them to “take over ​and fight” the bad guys to bring back balance again.

  • Natural Rhythms: Wake with the sun and sleep a few ​hours after sun down to keep your circadian rhythms ​in sync. Get outside a couple of times a day to help ​your body adjust and recalibrate its internal clock ​which affect hormonal production. Staying indoor and ​being exposed to constant unnatural light throughout ​day and night will worsen your body’s ability to ​optimally tell your cells to keep going at full speed or ​starting to slow down for rest. Try to be in a room with ​yellow or soft lighting at night time, avoid harsh white ​light.
  • Grounding and Mindfulness: Engage in grounding ​activities such as walking barefoot on natural surfaces to ​lower inflammation and promote restful sleep. ​Incorporate daily practices like breathwork and ​meditation to reduce stress and enhance mental clarity. ​Pick activities that promote a feeling of wellbeing and ​slow down. Your body really needs plenty of energy for ​healing so lots of TLC is your modus operandi. Ideally ​your whole system will then sync up, communicate well ​and relax together fully every night so you slowly feel ​rejuvinated and feel more like yourself again.

  • Rest and Movement: We cannot stress enough for you to ​prioritise plenty of rest to allow your body to heal and ​maintain the 'rest and digest' state. This does not mean ​watching Netflix all day and be a couch potato. ​Incorporate gentle movement such as a good stretch, ​gentle yoga, pilates, slow swim or walking into your daily ​routine to keep your body active without overstressing it. ​Stay away from strenuous exercises such as heavy or ​long cardio or HIIT for a certain period of time to help ​your body focus its energy on healing.
  • (cont) We want low impact and gentle ways to rev up ​your engine without overdoing or burning it. If you can ​walk in nature or in the park, that is even better. Find ​simple ways to do something you love. It does not need ​to be fancy or expensive.

  • Hydration: Drink plenty of clean, filtered water ​throughout the day to help flush out toxins and support ​kidney function. If you are worried about losing too ​much electrolytes or minerals from overdrinking, put a ​small grain of pink Himalayan or Celtic salt under your ​tongue once or twice a day. You can also add a dash of ​Apple Cider Vinegar or a squeeze of lemon to your ​water to keep your body Alkaline. Make it fun by adding ​mint, cucumber, or slices of orange or other citrus of ​choice. We know water can be boring for many people. ​A good way to check if you are dehydrated is to check ​the colour of your urine. If it is pale yellow, you are on ​the right track. If it is deep or dark yellow, you are not ​drinking enough. But if it is clear or white, you are ​probably overdoing it. And remember, no chugging ​glasses and glasses at a time. Sip water throughout the ​day.
A Glass of Water Near Sliced of Lemons